7QP News/Info
    About CODXC
    Club History
    Member List
    Emergency Comms
    Ham Radio Sites
    Ham Friendly... Classifieds
    7th Area QSO Party
    7QP (page 2)
    7QP FAQs
    7QP History
    Contest Calendar
    K2DI's DXCC List
    DXCC Needs List
Photo Archives:
    2012 7QP
    2009 7QP
    Cal. QSO Party 2006
    Field Day 2006
    7QP 2007
    Field Day 2005
    Cal. QSO Party 2004
    Field Day 2004


7QP Historical Data/Archives

7QP Records2011 Activated Counties2010 Activated Counties2009 Results2009 Activated Counties2008 Activated CountiesHistory (pg 2)7QP Home

7QP Records

Scott/K7ZO has summarized operating results for all years of 7QP and produced these summaries showing category and state records for the history of 7QP:

Operating Category Records (top 3)

Operating Category Records by State and Operating Category

Site last updated on: October 21, 2013

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