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Photo Archives:
    2012 7QP
    2009 7QP
    Cal. QSO Party 2006
    Field Day 2006
    7QP 2007
    Field Day 2005
    Cal. QSO Party 2004
    Field Day 2004


California QSO Party, 2006

CODXC's annual expedition to Modoc County for the California QSO Party took place on October 6-8.   Operating as KS6U, with 2,347 QSOs and a clean sweep (all 58 states and provinces), we achieved the highest claimed score among County Expeditions.   Photos by WA6WMO, K2DI and K4XU.

The Timber Mountain site, showing the club's tower/trailer, the fire lookout, someone else's microwave tower, and Cassie patrolling the grounds.

Viewed from the lookout, the tower/trailer again (with TH-3 tribander), another someone else's microwave tower, and part of the spectacular 360-degree view.

The TA-33 Jr atop the lookout tower.

W7MT operating.


Cassie guarding the food..

.. while Frisky watches for forest fires.

W7MT, KS6U, K7IMO, W7YOW and WA6WMO enjoy lunch.



Cassie finally off-duty.

Site last updated on: October 21, 2013

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