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Photo Archives:
    2012 7QP
    2009 7QP
    Cal. QSO Party 2006
    Field Day 2006
    7QP 2007
    Field Day 2005
    Cal. QSO Party 2004
    Field Day 2004


Field Day, 2005

Not our usual FD

This year was different -- instead of our usual expedition to Green Ridge, we operated from Bear Creek Elementary School in Bend.    Emphasis was on public relations and high participation rather than a high score from the boondocks, but we nevertheless achieved a respectable score.

With assistance from CORA (Central Oregon Radio Amateurs), we operated as W7MT, with GOTA station K7ZZZ.    CODXC participants were K2DI, KB3GQK, K4XU, W6JDB, KS6U, WA6WMO, KI6Y, WA7AJ, NW7E, WS7N, WA7ND, K7SQ, WA7ZBL and K7ZM.    CORA members and others included W7KI (provided and helped run the VHF station), W9CZ (graciously loaned us his trailer for the GOTA station), K7FEW, KD7HGT, KA7KPL, KC7LPK, KD7RTE, WA7TUE and KB7W.

Another advantage of our in-town location was an excellent catered dinner, prepared and served by Chris, Peggy and Janet.

The setup wasn't all that different -- tall ponderosas, club tower trailer with tri-bander and club tent.

"We're going to get tired of holding this.." KB3GQK and W7KI set up the 6-meter beam..

.. and a few guy ropes held it up very nicely.

Our second tri-bander was attached to a more comfortable shack (KS6U's fifth wheel).

NW7E and W6JDB operating comfortably..

.. as was K4XU.

W6JDB at the mike, with WA7AJ supervising.

Rachel Swaney (daughter of WS7N and KE7CSM) operating the Kid's position.

KB3GQK puts three young visitors on the air during a 6-meter opening to southern California.

After a long, grueling shift, KI6Y and KS6U rest up for the next round.

Site last updated on: October 21, 2013

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