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    Cal. QSO Party 2006
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    Field Day 2005
    Cal. QSO Party 2004
    Field Day 2004


Field Day 2004

Field Day 2004 was a success, with operators K2DI, K4XU, KI6Y, K7YLO, WA7AJ, and W7MT (and setup help from W9CZ) operating W7MT in the under-150W class.    A score of 4896 points was achieved, with 830 CW QSOs and 637 Phone QSOs.    93 QSOs were rung up on 6M, but the 10M band only yielded 6 Q's.   

A note from Charles, NF4A, to CODXC President K4XU about our 6M operation kinda tickled us:

"I was the op at NJ4M on Saturday night about midnight (EDT) and worked W7MT on 6M.   

"I have been a ham since 1962 and it was my first 6m contact….I was taking a little break from 40 CW and had walked over to the gazebo where the food/drink was….the 6m rig was on an adjacent table…..I heard something coming out of speaker -- about a 53 signal and it was W7MT! There was no op around so I picked up the mic and made the Q.

"No one would believe that Oregon was coming in that time of night on 6M….I worked two more Oregon stations after W7MT…..heard another station in Utah but he couldn't hear me at all...."

Photos by K2DI and K4XU..

Our tower trailer on the way to Green Ridge, pulled by Charlie's new truck. Note the new sign.

Getting closer .. and the road gets a lot dustier.

It takes a committee to assemble the TH-3 beam. Left to right: Ed (K7YLO), Dick (K4XU), John (W9CZ), Bill (K2DI) and Russ (W7MT).

Beam assembled and tower raised.. We also used a TA-33Jr mounted on a 20-foot pole.

Robin Hood (K4XU) and assistant (A.J., WA7AJ) prepare to launch a line into one of the 375-year-old 90-foot Ponderosa pines. Wire antennas included a 2-element 40-meter delta loop and dipoles for 40 and 80.

Charley (KI6Y) carries a big knife. He, Chris Frey and Peggy Carson prepared an excellent night-before dinner.

.. which was enjoyed by all.

The club's new tent, procured by Charley. One room for operating, one for sleeping. We later found a better-looking way to keep the sun out.

Almost time to get started. The generator committee gets to work..

That was gasoline, wasn't it..?

Charley operating one of the stations in the new tent..

Russ the other.

Ed operating 6 meters in the other tent, while Dick handles 40.

Site last updated on: October 21, 2013

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