March 6, 2025 - It's time to make plans for this year's 7QP! Check the 2025 Planned Ops tab (above) for county activations and, if you're in the 7th call area, let us know your plans.
May 1, 2023 - "Self-Spotting" now allowed in 7QP. In 2022 the ARRL changed their HF contesting guidelines to allow participants using SSB to spot themselves. Those of you who use a band map may have noted that while the CW end of the band is full of spots, the SSB end is nearly empty. This rule change will surely put spots in the phone bands. If you are using N1MM for logging, put your call in the log pane and hit alt-P. Or you can put the {spotme} macro in a function key. You can even add a note to show your county. A similar feature is available on other loggers like N3FJP. This should change the way SSB is played and can be a real asset to low power stations in rare counties.
April 20, 2021 - We've updated our Rules to confirm that WSJT digital modes are not allowed, since they don't support the 7QP exchange. |