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7QP - the 7th Call Area QSO Party

The Last Oregon QSO Party (OQP)

OQPzilla: K4XU
2005 OQP2005 Results - Oregon Stations2005 Results - ROW2005 Rules

2005 Oregon QSO Party - RULES

Oregon QSO Party, sponsored by the Central Oregon DX Club, 1400 UTC 7 May to 0200 UTC 8 May 2005 (7AM to 7PM PDT Saturday).    Oregon stations work everyone, others work Oregon stations only.    Work stations once per band/mode, mobiles again as they enter new counties.   No repeater QSOs.

Exchange: Send serial number plus county or state/province location.   The serial number is a "QSO number" starting with 1.

Scoring: 1 pt/SSB QSO; 2 pts/CW QSO.   Score: multiply QSO points by total OR counties worked on each mode (max 72).    Oregon stations multiply QSO pts by OR counties + states + provinces + DXCC countries (15 max.; excludes W, KH6, KL7 and VE).    100 bonus points for working special club station K7O.    One extra multiplier for each 8 QSOs with the same OR county.   

Operating frequencies: 40 kHz up on CW, 50 KHz up on SSB - 3855, 7235, 14255, 21355 and 28455 on ssb.

Send logs and summary sheet by June 10 to Oregon QSO Party, c/o CODXC, 61255 Ferguson Rd, Bend, OR 97702.    Computer logs to -- any plain text format is acceptable.

On the Website at Rules, County Signup sheet, Oregon Map, Summary Sheet, and files for use with CT and TR logging programs.

The 36 OREGON Counties, with official abbreviations:

BAK Baker HAR Harney MOR Morrow
BEN Benton HOO HoodRiverMUL Multnomah
CLK Clackamas JAC Jackson POL Polk
CLT Clatsop JEF JeffersonSHE Sherman
COL Columbia JOS JosephineTIL Tillamook
COO Coos KLA KlamathUMA Umatilla
CRO Crook LAK Lake UNI Union
CUR Curry LAN Lane WAL Wallowa
DES Deschutes LCN LincolnWCO Wasco
DOU Douglas LNN Linn WSH Washington
GIL Gilliam MAL MalheurWHE Wheeler
GRA Grant MAR Marion YAM Yamhill

Site last updated on: May 25 2024
7QP / The 7th Call Area QSO Party

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