7QP - the 7th Call Area QSO Party |
The EAARS operating bus and tower/antenna haul trailer arrives on site before the contest. |  |
A view to the northeast 30 minutes before 7QP starts at the K7EAR site. The sun is rising between Steeple Rock Mountain and Carlisle Mountain in New Mexico. |  |
Left to Right, AI7AZ, NI5L and N2IC operate 15, 40 and 20 Meters respectively in the CW operating bus. |  |
Left to Right, KF7JCJ and K7JEM operate 15 Meter and 20 Meter SSB. |  |
K7EAR Power & Light: shown here, left to right, K7LON, KF7JCJ and K7JEM with the ‘new’ trailer mounted, diesel powered, 18 kW genset. |  |
The 40 Meter 4-square for CW and the perigee moon. |  |
Twilight view of the whole operation; CW towers in the foreground and the SSB towers in the background. |  |
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