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7QP - the 7th Call Area QSO Party

2012 7QP

The EAARS operating bus and tower/antenna haul trailer arrives on site before the contest.

A view to the northeast 30 minutes before 7QP starts at the K7EAR site. The sun is rising between Steeple Rock Mountain and Carlisle Mountain in New Mexico.

Left to Right, AI7AZ, NI5L and N2IC operate 15, 40 and 20 Meters respectively in the CW operating bus.

Left to Right, KF7JCJ and K7JEM operate 15 Meter and 20 Meter SSB.

K7EAR Power & Light: shown here, left to right, K7LON, KF7JCJ and K7JEM with the ‘new’ trailer mounted, diesel powered, 18 kW genset.

The 40 Meter 4-square for CW and the perigee moon.

Twilight view of the whole operation; CW towers in the foreground and the SSB towers in the background.

Site last updated on: March 6, 2025
7QP / The 7th Call Area QSO Party

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