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7QP - the 7th Call Area QSO Party

2006 - 2009 Results

2009 Results2008 Results2007 Results2006 Results

2006 Results


Who would have thought that an event like 7QP could be put together in less than nine months? Congrats to the individual state captains and lieutenants and Chairman K5RC.   280 logs were submitted by the June 10 deadline and six have trickled in since.   In addition to a tabulation of the scores, K2DI has put together a very complete report on the statistics of the event -- counties activated, number of different calls logged, etc.   209 of the 259 7th-area counties were active.   When you consider that this includes some of the most sparsely-populated areas of the US (8% of the population and 22% of the land area), it is a considerable achievement.

Congratulations to the single-operator class winners W0BH, K6XV and K5UV in the Outside W7 group.   Inside W7, K7L (K6LL), K7NJ and K7TQ were the single op champs.   W6YX easily won the outside-W7 multi-op class, while K7ZSD near Portland OR walked away with the inside-W7 honors, followed by the NK7U group at the other end of the state in rare Baker County.   There were many mobile operations, helped by the fact that we share the weekend with the MARAC CW event.   K8RD had the high mobile score from outside W7 and K7BG cleaned up from Montana with a masterful display.   Special recognition goes to the group of stations and operators who ran K7UGA as a commemorative effort on all bands and modes, creating a new unofficial "multi-multi-multi" entry class.

We have another entry class called "county expedition".   This is usually a Field Day type of operation, fixed portable, and the team of K7ZZ and W7UG clearly had their act together, winning by more than a 3dB margin. The rules promote operating on county lines by providing additional multipliers (equal to the number of counties) and it seems the resulting longer exchange was not a hindrance.

For a first-time running of the event, things went very smoothly.   There will be some rule changes for next year.   W7s will be able to count DX multipliers.   This should make it easier for the county hunters in Europe to break through the domestic QRM.   There have been suggestions made to increase the length of the 7QP.   This will cover more of the weekend with a night break so that mobiles can do an "out and back" with an overnight stay on the route.   The jury is still out on this one and we welcome your suggestions.

We share this first weekend in May with several other events -- The New England and Indiana QSO parties, the MARAC CW contest and the ARI DX contest.   It is impossible to find a weekend without some other competing events so we have tried to make our exchange and rules as compatible with them as possible.   It was interesting to note that many of the 7QP entries also show up in the results of the other contests.   This was the desired result.

Dick, K4XU

Non-7 Single-Op High
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

W0BH   115326 129   118  270 hp  KS
KF6T   101016 122   146  195 hp  CA
KZ5OM   83385 109   147  162 hp  CA    K6III
K4BAI   48560  80   159   65 hp  GA
W0JPL   47850  87   140   65 hp  MO
K0RI    47466  81   144   77 hp  CO
N8BJQ   42804  87   142   33 hp  OH
K8CW    39411  87   151    0 hp  OH
N8II    39045  95   105   48 hp  WV
AD1C    34232  88   129    1 hp  MA
K6RB    31620  68   155    0 hp  CA
W4VQ    25830  82   105    0 hp  FL
N6RO    19008  64    75   36 hp  CA
K9CT    16836  61    74   27 hp  IL
GM3POI  15189  61    69   21 hp  DX
AF5P    14404  52    61   47 hp  LA
DL5AWI  10047  51    65    1 hp  DX
K0UK     9944  44    52   35 hp  CO
NB1B     9600  48    40   40 hp  MA
K6RIM    7308  42    56    3 hp  CA
WA6BOB   6435  39    55    0 hp  CA
RK2FWA   6360  40    49    6 hp  DX
W4NZ     4794  34    47    0 hp  TN
W4NTI    3003  33    15   23 hp  AL
CU2JT    2886  26    37    0 hp  DX
W6ZZZ    2688  28    32    0 hp  CA
W2NRA    2418  26    31    0 hp  NY
I4IKW    2025  25    27    0 hp  DX
W0TT     1782  22    27    0 hp  MO
VE5BCS   1092  21     0   26 hp  SK
DL6KVA    918  17    18    0 hp  DX
AB0YM     720  18     0   20 hp  CO
VR2BG     630  14    15    0 hp  DX
LY2FN     390  10    13    0 hp  DX
K9FH      128   8     0    8 hp  IL
WB0IWG     18   3     0    3 hp  PA

Non-7 Single-Op Low
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K6XV    69840  97   150  135 lp  CA
K9OM    64900 110   158   58 lp  WI
K0RC    59007  89   147  111 lp  MN
ND2T    43924  79   160   38 lp  CA
VE3GSI  30600  75   136    0 lp  ON
N2CU    28080  72   130    0 lp  NY
WB8JUI  27300  70   130    0 lp  OH
NF4A    26733  67    93   60 lp  FL
N6EM    26620  55   112   74 lp  CA
WB2ABD  25326  63   134    0 lp  NY
WC5D    24840  69   120    0 lp  TX
K0IO    21033  57   123    0 lp  IA
W9RE    19488  58   112    0 lp  IN
K6PB    17640  60    84   21 lp  CA
WE9N    17472  64    71   30 lp  IN
K0GM    16775  61    61   46 lp  GA
AC0W    16074  57    60   51 lp  MN
K8IR    15900  53   100    0 lp  MI
VA7ST   15756  52   101    0 lp  BC
N8NA    14900  50    92   11 lp  DE
KU8E    14820  52    81   21 lp  GA
N5YE    14820  76    21   66 lp  LA
KA9JAC  14220  60    79    0 lp  WI
K4EJ    13064  46    80   22 lp  FL
VA7XP   12393  51    81    0 lp  BC
W6AFA   11926  67     0   89 lp  CA
W4PM    11220  44    85    0 lp  VA
AD5WI   10800  54     0  100 lp  AR
WA5SOG  10175  55    33   43 lp  AR
W1BYH    9900  44    49   39 lp  MA
NA2X     9702  49    66    0 lp  NY
N2WN     9165  47    65    0 lp  TN
K6LRN    8460  47    60    0 lp  CA
N6RCE    8234  46    25   52 lp  CA
K4BK     8064  42    64    0 lp  FL
VE4EAR   7830  45     0   87 lp  MB
N3KR     7560  40    63    0 lp  PA
N4ZR     7224  43    46   15 lp  WV
W1END    7224  43    56    0 lp  NH
N4VA     6612  38    58    0 lp  VA
AD8J     6400  40    46   11 lp  PA
VE7JKZ   5852  38    44   11 lp  BC
N5KGY    5400  45     0   60 lp  MS
K4OD     5320  35    48    4 lp  GA
KK8I     5248  41    36   10 lp  MI
WA4OSD   3930  30    43    1 lp  TN
VE3IAE   3132  29    32    6 lp  ON
W9LHG    2754  27    34    0 lp  WI
VE5BF    2700  27     0   50 lp  SK
AE3A     2660  28    27    7 lp  NY
AC0DQ    2624  32     0   41 lp  NE
K8ZZV    2275  25    27    5 lp  WI
W6PRI    2025  25    27    0 lp  CA
W4CC     1872  24    26    0 lp  NC
NR8U     1674  27     0   31 lp  OH
VE6SZS   1620  20    21    9 lp  AB
NC6P     1440  24     0   30 lp  CA
AB2IO    1344  24     0   28 lp  NJ
K5WW     1150  23     0   25 lp  TX
K4BP     1008  21     0   24 lp  TN
K9TLA     950  19     0   25 lp  IN
K1VU      760  19     0   20 lp  MA
G3LHJ     675  15    15    0 lp  DX
VA3IX     612  17     0   18 lp  ON
W1CRK     264  11     0   12 lp  MA
KI4EGT    216   8     9    0 lp  GA
N5DTT     162   9     0    9 lp  TX
WA5SWN    126   7     0    9 lp  KS
KB5DRJ     72   6     0    6 lp  TX
WA8MWA     27   3     3    0 lp  OH
EA3EJI      2   1     0    1 lp  DX
WA6HXF      2   1     0    1 lp  CA

Non-7 Single-Op QRP
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K5UV    24576  64   128    0 qrp OK
W8TM    23625  63   125    0 qrp OH
N0TK    17304  56   103    0 qrp CO
W0PQ    12096  48    84    0 qrp NE
W6AQ     8592  48    51   13 qrp CA
KI4FW    6084  39    52    0 qrp VA
K4AQ     3483  27    43    0 qrp VA
WD9FTZ   2914  31     0   47 qrp OH
KD2MX    2448  24    34    0 qrp NJ
W9TO     2025  25    27    0 qrp IN
K3TW     1775  25    19    7 qrp MD
N6WG    33649  77   111   52 qrp CA       (log received late)

Non-7 Multi-Op
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

W6YX   150556 133   212  248 hp  CA    N7MH,W6RK,N6DE
AA3B    31590  78   135    0 hp  PA
NX6T    25404  73   116    0 hp  CA    N6KI
K6MM    23010  65    98   30 hp  CA
N2BJ    22464  78    12  126 hp  IL
VE6WA   14400  50    96    0 hp  AB
N9LF     8643  43    41   39 lp  IN
HA7UG    1575  21    25    0 hp  DX

Non-7 Mobile
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K8RD    18785  65    79   26     CA
W9MSE    8580  44    65    0     WI+++
K1KI     5247  33    49    6     ME
WT9U     4862  34    41   10     IN    +W8UE
NE9O     4070  37     2   52     IN

7th Area Single-Op High
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K7L    266640  60   702 1169 hp  AZYMA K6LL
K7RL   212280  60   370 1214 hp  WAISL
K7QQ   156145  55   617  494 hp  WAKTP
W7Z    145488  56   568  447 hp  AZMHV W7ZR
KO7X   141680  56   596  371 hp  WYLAR
AF7Y   136971  57    35 1149 hp  UTSAL
W7UT   126225  55   765    0 hp  UTWSH
NN7ZZ  118415  55   533  277 hp  UTCAC N5LZ
W7CT    92880  54   504  104 hp  UTDAV
N6MA    79866  51   522    0 hp  AZCNO
K0JJ    77910  53    44  669 hp  ORCOL
W0MU    76175  55   209  379 hp  MTSTI
W7VV    75036  52   327  231 hp  WASNO
W7WHY   63000  50   420    0 hp  ORCOO
N7RO    57717  53   129  351 hp  WAWHA
K7BAA   52312  52     0  503 hp  ORCOO
W7JD    52110  45   282  156 hp  WAPIE K7EK
W2VJN   50478  47   358    0 hp  ORDOU
KV7DX   46869  51   159  221 hp  AZMCP KN5H
KS7T    45731  47   321    5 hp  MTSIL
AD7J    44064  51     0  432 hp  ORHOO
W7WW    43990  53     0  415 hp  AZYMA
K7LY    41748  49     0  426 hp  AZMHV
W7Y     36616  46     0  398 hp  WYALB K7NOI
NB7V    35424  48     0  369 hp  MTSIL
KE7GI   31396  47     0  334 hp  ORWAL
W7ESU   29700  44   163   93 hp  ORDES K4XU
W7LNG   23415  35   187   54 hp  ORJAC
K7MO    19624  44     0  223 hp  WAPIE
W7WLL   12956  41     0  158 hp  ORLCN
NT4TT   11544  37     0  156 hp  IDJEF
WC7N     6162  26    79    0 hp  ORCUR
K7WM     3484  26     0   67 hp  AZLPZ
W7TAX    1760  20     0   44 hp  WAKNG
WA7JT    1750  10     7   77 hp  WAISL
KW7N     1596  14     0   57 hp  WADOU
W7DPW     960   8    40    0 hp  WACLR

7th Area Single-Op Low
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K7NJ    91596  51   544   82 lp  UTIRO
K7LAZ   66861  51   437    0 lp  WAKNG
W7GKF   59938  46   415   29 lp  WASNO
KN7T    57375  51   375    0 lp  WASNO
W3CP    52332  49   356    0 lp  ORUMA
NQ7R    49750  50   327    7 lp  AZPNL
AB7E    48530  46   321   46 lp  AZCHS
W7QN    47334  46   343    0 lp  WAKNG
N7MAL   35856  48   249    0 lp  AZMHV
N9ADG   31067  47   181   59 lp  WAKNG
W7GVE   28665  39   245    0 lp  AZMHV
AA7FK   25515  45   171   27 lp  ORWSH
WG7Y    25032  42   162   55 lp  WYCAM
NF7E    24508  44     1  277 lp  AZCNO
K7QXG   23478  42   161   38 lp  ORPOL
N7GTE   22764  42     0  271 lp  UTDAV
N7ON    19944  36   150   52 lp  NVWAS
KC7ESB  18270  42    11  201 lp  IDJEF
W7YS    17760  40   148    0 lp  AZCNO
K0TO    17686  37   158    2 lp  IDBNV
N7ZG    13608  36   126    0 lp  WAKNG
NN7OR   12420  36    35  120 lp  ORYAM K6UM
N7AAL   12028  31   102   41 lp  WAGRY
K7P     10540  31    50   95 lp  AZPNL NJ7I
KK7UU   10197  33     7  144 lp  ORMAR
W7GB     9000  30   100    0 lp  WAGRN
K7ACZ    8228  34     0  121 lp  NVCLA
N7OR     7227  33    73    0 lp  ORCLK
WI7F     6656  26     0  128 lp  WACOW
N7WI     5220  30     0   87 lp  WAISL
AC7FA    4560  20    76    0 lp  WAKTP
KA7KUZ   4248  24    59    0 lp  WAPIE
KE7NO    4032  18    28   70 lp  MTMIS
W7YQ     3525  25    47    0 lp  NVWAS
W7LKG    3360  16    66    6 lp  WAPIE
W7MHR    2604  14    62    0 lp  ORMAL
N7VZU    2108  17     0   62 lp  WAFRA
W7HWR    2016  12    56    0 lp  ORCLK
WA7YNU   1974  14    15   48 lp  MTYEL
W7YKN    1802  17     0   53 lp  NVWAS
N7YMY    1640  10     0   82 lp  WAKNG
W7LY     1422   9    32   31 lp  ORCLT
K7O      1220  10    28   19 lp  ORDES
KD7WTO   1000  10     0   50 lp  MTCHO
N7RU      945   9    35    0 lp  UTSAL
W7VXS     840  10    28    0 lp  WAKNG
AE7DX     748  11     0   34 lp  NVLYO
K7HLN     600  12     0   25 lp  MTLEW
KD7DCA    540  10     0   27 lp  AZMCP
AA7VW     408   8    17    0 lp  ORTIL
K7DS      396   9     0   22 lp  NVWAS
N5ZR      296   8     1   17 lp  ORLAN
KC7VTC    288   8     0   18 lp  UTMOR
W7NRJ     252   9     0   14 lp  WAGRN
N6MZ      195   5    13    0 lp  WAKNG
N7LKH     192   6     0   16 lp  WYJOH
W7WEC     144   8     0    9 lp  WACLL
WA7VGR    144   8     0    9 lp  ORHAR
KE7DLG     48   4     0    6 lp  WYLAR
KD7RHI     42   3     0    7 lp  WASNO
WA2SMS     18   1     0    9 lp  WYNAT

7th Area Single-Op QRP
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K7TQ    40710  46   295    0 qrp IDLAT
WC7S    13668  34   134    0 qrp WYLAR
KL7FDQ    945   9    35    0 qrp WASPO
AK7V      870  10    29    0 qrp WAKNG
NQ7Q      858  13     0   33 qrp WYALB
WU7R      210   5    14    0 qrp MTLEW

7th Area Multi-Op
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K7ZSD  321960  60   784 1507 hp  ORWSH +KR7X,KI7Y,N7OU,W7ZB,K7AR,K7GK
NK7U   239308  58   260 1673 hp  ORBAK +K7ZO,K7MK,KL2A
NI7T   204671  59   601  833 hp  UTCAR +K7UT
W7N    203019  59   691  684 hp  NVSTO K5RC,W7VI
N7LE   142120  55   490  557 hp  ORDES WS7N,K2DI,WA7AJ,NW7E,K7IMO,WA6WMO,N6GC,
N7YX    86724  54   248  431 hp  WAISL +N6HR
N7YDX   22185  45    65  149 lp  AZYMA K7ACS,N7HV,K7YMA
NE7WY   10880  32     0  170 lp  WYWES WY7LL,KE7HMK,KD7QDM,KE7ADR
K7LIX   10013  31     3  157 hp  ORJOS WB6CYK,W6IGK,W7PUP,WA5KTC,KD7WIA
W7SU     6930  33     0  105 hp  UTWEB NT7Y,N7ZI,AF7J,KE7EOZ,KD7SST,KB7FMS,K7HCP
W7FST    5140  20    81    7 qrp NVWAS NU7T,WD7Y,W7IEX,W7YO,K5HK,KI6WJ
KC7PM    4500  25     0   90 hp  UTPIU +K7LMM
KI0BJ    3996  18     0  111 lp  MTBIG +WN7Y,KE7GGN
WB7ONJ     80   5     0    8 hp  AZGHM

7th Area County Expedition
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K7ZZ   175032  52   946  264 hp  OR+++ +W7UG
N7G     76108  53     0  718 lp  AZGLA N7NT,WA7NWL
NT6K    71974  53   340  169 lp  ORLAK
W7JLC   66352  44   264  358 lp  AZ+++ +KC7TIL
K7WP    57246  47   406    0 lp  AZGLA
K7XV    53392  47    24  532 hp  UT+++ +W7YUM
W7QC    50832  48   353    0 qrp IDBOU
NU6T    45552  48   199  176 lp  NVELK +K6DGW
K7JJ    45432  36   326  142 hp  OR+++
N7MSU   33534  46   239    6 hp  MTSWE +K7PX,K7VK
W7GK    31584  32   273   84 lp  NV+++
W7SW    20424  37   184    0 hp  AZ+++
W1ESE   19584  32   204    0 hp  AZ+++ W7SW
W7Q     16920  30   188    0 hp  AZ+++ W7SW
NG7Z    15120  40   126    0 lp  WASAN
W7RCK    7560  20   126    0 lp  OR+++
W7LR     2730  13    52   27 lp  MTBRO +KE7CLN
W7YES     400   8     0   25 lp  ORTIL +AA7VW

7th Area Mobile
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K7BG   160000  50   870  295     MT+++
K7RE   118881  51   777    0     WY+++
K7SB    81141  51   507   35     NV+++ W6OAT,I2UIY,K2RD
W7D     64876  49   422   29     WY+++ WA7SLD
W7SE    51984  48   361    0     WY+++
K4XU    42075  45   305   10     OR+++
K7WA    38868  41   300   24     WA+++
K7ED    33840  40   270   18     WA+++
AB7RW   27216  42   216    0     WA+++
NW7MT   12740  35     0  182     MT+++ WA7MT,NW7O
WQ1H    10792  38     0  142     UT+++
N7EIE    3090  15    62   10     WA+++
W0MU     2046  22    27    6     MT+++
K4UK      195   5    13    0     UT+++

7th Area Special Multi-Multi-Multi (unofficial)
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

K7UGA  358846  58  1305 1136 hp  AZMCP K8IA,KC7V,AA7A,KY7M,K7BHM,K7SP,W8AEF,

7th Area Checklog
                     CW   PH
Call   Score  Mult  QSO  QSO PWR QTH   Operators

N7PWC                            MT+++
W7RAC                            WYTET
K7EMS                            WYPAR

2006 - 2011 7QP Rules

7th Call Area QSO Party -- May 6-7, 2006

Sponsored by the Central Oregon DX Club (and others).    1300 UTC Saturday to 0700 UTC Sunday (6 AM to midnight PDT the first Saturday in May).   7th call area stations work everyone, others work 7th area stations only.    Work stations once per band/mode.    7th area mobiles (and those participating in other concurrent QSO parties or contests) may be worked again as they enter new counties.    No repeater QSOs.

Exchange: 7th area stations send signal report plus 5-letter county/state code (e.g.   ORDES; see list).    County-line stations send multiple codes (state code needed only once, e.g.   ORDES/JEF).    All others send signal report plus state/province/DX (stations in other QSO parties send their appropriate exchange).    "Provinces" are VE1-9, VO and VY0-2.

Scoring: 2 points per SSB QSO, 3 points per CW QSO.    County-line contacts count as multiple QSOs for both stations.    7th area stations multiply QSO points by states (50) plus provinces (13).    Others multiply QSO points by 7th area counties worked (259).

Entry classifications: Single-op (high-power, low-power <150W, QRP <5W), multi-op, county expedition, and mobile.    Certificates will be awarded to the top ten finishers in each category within and outside the 7th call area, plus the top finisher in each state/province.

Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2m, simplex only.    Suggested operating frequencies: 40 kHz up on CW -- 3855, 7235, 14255, 21355 and 28455 on SSB.

Logs: Send computer logs by June 10 to -- Cabrillo preferred, but any plain text format will be accepted.    Be sure to include station callsign, entry classification, location code(s) and operator callsigns.    Send paper logs to 7th Call Area QSO Party, c/o CODXC, 61255 Ferguson Rd, Bend, OR 97702.    Please download and fill out a Summary Sheet if sending a paper log.

7th Call Area QSO Party -- May 5-6, 2007

Sponsored by the Central Oregon DX Club (and others).    1300 UTC Saturday to 0700 UTC Sunday (6 AM to midnight PDT the first Saturday in May).    7th call area stations work everyone, others work 7th area stations only.   Work stations once per band/mode.    7th area mobiles (and those participating in other concurrent QSO parties or contests) may be worked again as they enter new counties.    No repeater QSOs.

Exchange: 7th area stations send signal report plus 5-letter county/state code (e.g.   ORDES; see list).    County-line stations send multiple codes (state code needed only once, e.g.   ORDES/JEF).   Non-7th-area stations send signal report plus state/province/"DX" (stations in other QSO parties send their appropriate exchange).    "Provinces" are VE1-9, VO and VY0-2.    County-line contacts may be logged with one entry showing all counties or one QSO entry for each county.

Scoring: 2 points per SSB QSO, 3 points per CW QSO.    County-line contacts count as multiple QSOs for both stations.    7th area stations multiply QSO points by states (50) plus provinces (13) plus other DXCC entities (maximum 10).    Non-7th-area stations multiply QSO points by 7th area counties worked (259).

Entry categories: Single-op (high-power, low-power <150W, QRP <5W), multi-op (including assisted single-op), 7th area county expedition, and mobile.    Certificates will be awarded to the top ten finishers in each category within and outside the 7th call area, plus the top finisher in each state/province and 7th area county.

Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2m, simplex only.    Suggested operating frequencies: 40 kHz up on CW; 1815, 3855, 7235, 14255, 21355 and 28455 on SSB.    Check 80m at 0500Z, 160m at 0530Z.

Logs: All logs must be received by June 10; those containing more than 40 QSOs must be submitted electronically via email or floppy disk.    Send email logs to -- include the station callsign in the email "Subject" line.    Cabrillo preferred (7QP details here), but any plain text format will be accepted.    Be sure to include name and address and/or email address, station callsign, entry category, location code(s) and operator callsigns.    Send paper logs to 7th Call Area QSO Party, c/o CODXC, 61255 Ferguson Rd, Bend, OR 97702.    Please download and fill out a Summary Sheet if sending a paper log.    Check to make sure your callsign appears on our website's Logs Received page (normally within two days of receipt).

7th Call Area QSO Party -- May 3-4, 2008

1300 UTC Saturday to 0700 UTC Sunday (6 AM to midnight PDT the first Saturday in May).   7th call area stations work everyone, others work 7th area stations only.   Work stations once per band/mode.   7th area mobiles (and those participating in other concurrent QSO parties or contests) may be worked again as they enter new counties.   

Entry categories:

  • Single-op: high-power, low-power <150W, QRP <5W; CW, Phone, Mixed
  • Multi-single (including assisted single-op): High, low and QRP
  • Multi-multi.    No differentiated mode or power levels
  • 7th-area County Expedition: single-op, multi-single, multi-multi
  • Mobile: high-power, low-power, QRP; CW, Phone, Mixed
Awards: Certificates will be awarded to the top three finishers in each category within and outside the 7th call area, plus the top finisher in each state/province and 7th area county; a 25-QSO minimum applies.   

Exchange: 7th area stations send signal report plus 5-letter state/county code (e.g.   ORDES; see list).    County-line stations send multiple codes (state code needed only once, e.g.   ORDES/JEF).   Non-7th-area stations send signal report plus state/province/"DX" two-letter codes.   Stations in other QSO parties send their appropriate exchange.    "Provinces" are VE1-9, VO and VY0-2.    County-line contacts may be logged with one entry showing all counties or with one QSO entry for each county.

Scoring: 2 points per SSB QSO, 3 points per CW QSO.   County-line contacts count as multiple QSOs for both stations.    7th area stations multiply QSO points by states (50) plus provinces (13) plus other DXCC entities (maximum 10).    Non-7th-area stations multiply QSO points by 7th area counties worked (259).

Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2m, simplex only.    Suggested operating frequencies: 1815 and 40 kHz up on CW; 1845, 3855, 7235, 14255, 21355 and 28455 on SSB.    Check 80m at 0500Z, 160m at 0530Z.    All CW contacts must be made in the CW portion of the band.   

Logs: All logs must be received by June 5; logs containing more than 40 QSOs must be submitted electronically via email or floppy disk.    Send logs to -- include the station callsign in the email "Subject" line.    Cabrillo preferred (7QP details here) but any plain text format will be accepted.    A web form is available for online Cabrillo log-file generation and submission.    Be sure your entry includes name and address and/or email address, station callsign, entry category, location code(s) and operator callsigns.    Send paper logs with a completed summary sheet to 7th Call Area QSO Party, c/o CODXC, 61255 Ferguson Rd, Bend, OR 97702.    Check to make sure your callsign appears on our web site's Received Logs page (normally within two days of receipt).

Other: All equipment and antennas must lie within a 1000-foot diameter circle.    A county expedition is an operation from a temporary location using antennas installed for the contest period, using temporary antenna supports or trees.    Mobile stations must be self-contained and capable of motion.

7th Call Area QSO Party -- May 2-3, 2009

1300 UTC Saturday to 0700 UTC Sunday (6 AM to midnight PDT the first Saturday in May).    7th call area stations work everyone, others work 7th area stations only.    Work stations once per band/mode.    7th area mobiles (and those participating in other concurrent QSO parties or contests) may be worked again as they enter new counties.    Rule changes are shown in bold italic.

Entry categories:

  • Single-op: high-power, low-power <150W, QRP <5W; CW, Phone, Digital, Mixed
  • Multi-single (including assisted single-op): High, low and QRP
  • Multi-multi.    No differentiated mode or power levels
  • 7th-area County Expedition: single-op, multi-single, multi-multi
  • Mobile: high-power, low-power, QRP; CW, Phone, Digital, Mixed
Awards: Certificates will be awarded to the top three finishers in each category within and outside the 7th call area, plus the top finisher in each state/province and 7th area county; a 25-QSO minimum applies.   

Exchange: 7th area stations send signal report plus 5-letter state/county code (e.g.   ORDES; see list).    County-line stations send multiple codes, e.g.   UTRIC/IDBEA (state code needed only once, e.g.   ORDES/JEF).    Non-7th-area stations send signal report plus state/province/"DX" two-letter codes.    Stations in other QSO parties send their appropriate exchange.    "Provinces" are VE1-9, VO and VY0-2.    County-line contacts may be logged with one entry showing all counties or with one QSO entry for each county.

Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2m, simplex only.    Suggested operating frequencies: 1815 and 40 kHz up on CW, except on 40m, where 7025-7035 is suggested; 1845, 3855, 7180, 14255, 21355 and 28455 on SSB; 3580+, 7035+, 14070+, 21070+ on PSK; 3585+, 7038+, 14075+, 21075+ on RTTY.    Check 80m at 0500Z, 160m at 0530Z.    All CW and Digital contacts must be in the CW/Data sub-bands.

Scoring: 2 points per SSB QSO, 3 points per CW or Digital QSO.    County-line contacts count as multiple QSOs for both stations.    7th area stations multiply QSO points by states (50) plus provinces (13) plus other DXCC entities (maximum 10).    Non-7th-area stations multiply QSO points by 7th area counties worked (259).

Logs: All logs must be received by June 5; logs containing more than 40 QSOs must be submitted electronically via email or floppy disk.    Send logs to -- include the station callsign in the email "Subject" line.    Cabrillo preferred (7QP details here) but any plain text format will be accepted.    A web form is available for online Cabrillo log-file generation and submission.    Be sure your entry includes name and address and/or email address, station callsign, entry category, location code(s) and operator callsigns.    Send paper logs with a completed summary sheet to 7th Call Area QSO Party, c/o CODXC, 61255 Ferguson Rd, Bend, OR 97702.    Check to make sure your callsign appears on our web site's Received Logs page (normally within two days of receipt).

Other: All equipment and antennas must lie within a 1000-foot diameter circle.    A county expedition is an operation from a temporary location using antennas installed for the contest period, using temporary antenna supports or trees.    Mobile stations must be self-contained and capable of motion.    Any computer-to-computer mode is considered digital.   The same station may be worked on each band on CW, Phone, and Digital.    All contacts must be made without using repeaters, digipeaters, satellites, etc.

7th Call Area QSO Party -- May 1-2, 2010

1300 UTC Saturday to 0700 UTC Sunday (6 AM to midnight PDT the first Saturday in May).    7th call area stations work everyone, others work 7th area stations only.    Work stations once per band/mode.    7th area mobiles (and those participating in other concurrent QSO parties or contests) may be worked again as they enter new counties.    Rule changes are shown in bold italic.

Entry categories:

  • Single-op: high-power, low-power <150W, QRP <5W; CW, Phone, Digital, Mixed
  • Multi-single (including assisted single-op): High, low and QRP
  • Multi-multi.    No differentiated mode or power levels
  • 7th-area County Expedition: single-op, multi-single, multi-multi
  • Mobile: high-power, low-power, QRP; CW, Phone, Digital, Mixed
Awards: Certificates will be awarded to the top three finishers in each category within and outside the 7th call area, plus the top finisher in each state/province and 7th area county; a 25-QSO minimum applies.   

Exchange: 7th area stations send signal report plus 5-letter state/county code (e.g.   ORDES; see list).    County-line stations send multiple codes, e.g.   UTRIC/IDBEA (state code needed only once, e.g.   ORDES/JEF).    Non-7th-area stations send signal report plus state/province/"DX" two-letter codes.    Stations in other QSO parties send their appropriate exchange.    The 13 "Provinces" are VE1-9, VO and VY0-2.    County-line contacts may be logged with one entry showing all counties or with separate entries for each county.

Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2m, simplex only.    Suggested operating frequencies: 1815 and 40 kHz up on CW, except on 40m, where 7025-7035 is suggested; 1845, 3855, 7180, 14255, 21355 and 28455 on SSB; 3580+, 7035+, 14070+, 21070+ on PSK; 3585+, 7038+, 14075+, 21075+ on RTTY.    Check 80m at 0500Z, 160m at 0530Z.    All CW and Digital contacts must be in the CW/Data sub-bands.

Scoring: 2 points per SSB QSO, 3 points per CW or Digital QSO.    County-line contacts count as multiple QSOs for both stations.    7th area stations multiply QSO points by states (50) plus provinces (13) plus other DXCC entities (maximum 10).    Non-7th-area stations multiply QSO points by 7th area counties worked (259).

Logs: All logs must be received by June 5; logs containing more than 40 QSOs must be submitted electronically via email or floppy disk.    Send logs to -- include the station callsign in the email "Subject" line.    Cabrillo preferred (7QP details here) but any plain text format will be accepted.    A web form is available for online Cabrillo log-file generation and submission.    Be sure your entry includes name, address and/or email address, station callsign, entry category, location code(s) and operator callsigns (if Cabrillo, they should appear within the Cabrillo file itself).    Send paper logs with a completed summary sheet to 7th Call Area QSO Party, c/o CODXC, 61255 Ferguson Rd, Bend, OR 97702.    Check to make sure your callsign, with correct entry category, appears on our web site's Received Logs page -- normally within two days of receipt.

Other: All equipment and antennas must lie within a 1000-foot diameter circle.    A county expedition is an operation from a temporary location using antennas installed for the contest period, using temporary antenna supports or trees.    Mobile stations must be self-contained and capable of motion.    Any computer-to-computer mode is considered digital.    The same station may be worked on each band on CW, Phone, and Digital.   All contacts must be made without using repeaters, digipeaters, satellites, etc.

7th Call Area QSO Party -- May 7-8, 2011

1300 UTC Saturday to 0700 UTC Sunday (6 AM to midnight PDT the first Saturday in May).    7th call area stations work everyone, others work 7th area stations only.    Work stations once per band/mode.    7th area mobiles (and those participating in other concurrent QSO parties or contests) may be worked again as they enter new counties.

Entry categories:

  • Single-op: high-power, low-power <150W, QRP <5W; CW, Phone, Digital, Mixed
  • Multi-single (including assisted single-op): High, low and QRP
  • Multi-multi.    No differentiated mode or power levels
  • 7th-area County Expedition: single-op, multi-single, multi-multi
  • Mobile: high-power, low-power, QRP; CW, Phone, Digital, Mixed
Awards: Certificates will be awarded to the top three finishers in each category within and outside the 7th call area, plus the top finisher in each state/province and 7th area county; a 25-QSO minimum applies.   

Exchange: 7th area stations send signal report plus 5-letter state/county code (e.g.   ORDES; see list).    County-line stations send multiple codes, e.g.   UTRIC/IDBEA (state code needed only once, e.g.   ORDES/JEF).   Non-7th-area stations send signal report plus state/province/"DX" two-letter codes.    Stations in other QSO parties send their appropriate exchange.    The 13 "Provinces" are VE1-9, VO and VY0-2.    County-line contacts may be logged with one entry showing all counties or with separate entries for each county.

Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2m, simplex only.    Suggested operating frequencies: 1815 and 40 kHz up on CW, except on 40m, where 7025-7035 is suggested; 1845, 3855, 7180, 14255, 21355 and 28455 on SSB; 3580+, 7035+, 14070+, 21070+ on PSK; 3585+, 7038+, 14075+, 21075+ on RTTY.    Check 80m at 0500Z, 160m at 0530Z.    All CW and Digital contacts must be in the CW/Data sub-bands.

Scoring: 2 points per SSB QSO, 3 points per CW or Digital QSO.    County-line contacts count as multiple QSOs for both stations.    7th area stations multiply QSO points by states (50) plus provinces (13) plus other DXCC entities (maximum 10).    Non-7th-area stations multiply QSO points by 7th area counties worked (259).

Logs: All logs must be received by June 5; logs containing more than 40 QSOs must be submitted electronically via email or floppy disk.    Send logs to -- include the station callsign in the email "Subject" line.    Cabrillo preferred (7QP details here) but any plain text format will be accepted.    A web form is available for online Cabrillo log-file generation and submission.    Be sure your entry includes name, address and/or email address, station callsign, entry category, location code(s) and operator callsigns (if Cabrillo, they should appear within the Cabrillo attachment itself; the log processor ignores the rest of the message).    Send paper logs with a completed summary sheet to 7th Call Area QSO Party, c/o CODXC, 61255 Ferguson Rd, Bend, OR 97702.    Check to make sure your callsign, with correct entry category, appears on our web site's Received Logs page -- normally within two days of receipt.

Other: All equipment and antennas must lie within a 1000-foot diameter circle.    A county expedition is an operation from a temporary location using antennas installed for the contest period, using temporary antenna supports or trees.    Mobile stations must be self-contained and capable of motion.    Any computer-to-computer mode is considered digital.   The same station may be worked on each band on CW, Phone, and Digital.   All contacts must be made without using repeaters, digipeaters, satellites, etc.

Site last updated on: May 25 2024
7QP / The 7th Call Area QSO Party

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